
Module book

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The internal representation of a book and infrastructure for loading it from disk and building it.

For examples on using MDBook, consult the top-level documentation.


  • A dumb tree structure representing a book.
  • A helper for setting up a new book and its directory structure.
  • A depth-first iterator over the items in a book.
  • The representation of a “chapter”, usually mapping to a single file on disk however it may contain multiple sub-chapters.
  • A struct representing an entry in the, possibly with nested entries.
  • The object used to manage and build a book.
  • A section number like “1.2.3”, basically just a newtype’d Vec<u32> with a pretty Display impl.
  • The parsed, specifying how the book should be laid out.


  • Enum representing any type of item which can be added to a book.
  • An item in which could be either a separator or a Link.


  • Load a book into memory from its src/ directory.
  • Parse the text from a file into a sort of “recipe” to be used when loading a book from disk.