use crate::docs::legacy_docs;
use compile_state::state::{SloshVm, SloshVmTrait};
use slvm::{VMResult, Value};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::iter;
pub const UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH: &str = "Not necessary in slosh.";
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum ImplStatus {
impl Display for ImplStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
ImplStatus::Implemented => {
write!(f, "✅")
ImplStatus::NotYetImplemented => {
write!(f, "❌")
ImplStatus::WillNotImplement => {
write!(f, "☑️")
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct StatusReport {
completed: usize,
yet_to_be_implemented: usize,
status_entries: Vec<StatusEntry>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct StatusEntry {
resolved: ImplStatus,
sl_sh_form: String,
notes: String,
impl StatusEntry {
fn new(resolved: ImplStatus, sl_sh_form: String, notes: String) -> Self {
Self {
pub(crate) fn build_report(vm: &mut SloshVm) -> VMResult<String> {
let report = unimplemented_report(vm)?;
let longest_old = report
.map(|e| e.sl_sh_form.len())
let longest_notes = report
.map(|e| e.notes.len())
let status_len = 3;
let mut out = format!(
r#"# tracking function Parity Between sl-sh and slosh
## Forms yet to be implemented: {}
## Forms implemented or skipped: {}"#,
report.yet_to_be_implemented, report.completed
out = format!(
"{}\n{:<status_len$} | {:<longest_old$} | {:<longest_notes$}|",
out, "?", "Slosh Form", "Notes"
out = format!(
"{out}\n{:<status_len$} | {:<longest_old$} | {:<longest_notes$}|",
.take(status_len - 1)
.take(longest_old - 1)
.take(longest_notes - 1)
for entry in report.status_entries {
out = format!(
"{}\n{:<status_len$} | `{:<longest_old$}` | {:<longest_notes$}|",
out, entry.resolved, entry.sl_sh_form, entry.notes
pub(crate) fn unimplemented_report(vm: &mut SloshVm) -> VMResult<StatusReport> {
let mut slosh_forms = HashSet::new();
for g in vm.globals().keys() {
let sym = Value::Symbol(*g);
let val: String = sym.display_value(vm);
let metadata = legacy_docs::full_legacy_sl_sh_forms_metadata();
let mut completed = 0;
let mut yet_to_be_implemented = 0;
let mut status_entries = Vec::new();
for (old_sym_name, will_implement, notes) in metadata {
let (impl_status, form_name, notes) = match (will_implement, notes.is_empty()) {
(true, true) => {
if slosh_forms.contains(*old_sym_name) {
} else {
(true, false) => {
if slosh_forms.contains(*notes) {
format!("Renamed to: `{}`", notes),
} else {
(false, true) => {
(false, false) => {
status_entries.push(StatusEntry::new(impl_status, form_name, notes));
for s in status_entries.iter() {
match s.resolved {
ImplStatus::NotYetImplemented => {
yet_to_be_implemented += 1;
ImplStatus::Implemented | ImplStatus::WillNotImplement => {
completed += 1;
Ok(StatusReport {
pub fn get_legacy_sl_sh_form_syms(vm: &mut SloshVm, _registers: &[Value]) -> VMResult<Value> {
let v = full_legacy_sl_sh_forms_metadata();
let v = v
.map(|x| {
let name = x.0;
pub(crate) fn full_legacy_sl_sh_forms_metadata() -> &'static [(&'static str, bool, &'static str)] {
("%", true, ""),
("*", true, ""),
("*active-ns*", true, "*ns*"),
("*bg-black*", true, ""),
("*bg-blue*", true, ""),
("*bg-cyan*", true, ""),
("*bg-default*", true, ""),
("*bg-green*", true, ""),
("*bg-magenta*", true, ""),
("*bg-red*", true, ""),
("*bg-white*", true, ""),
("*bg-yellow*", true, ""),
("*collection-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*core-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*euid*", true, ""),
("*euler*", true, ""),
("*fg-black*", true, ""),
("*fg-blue*", true, ""),
("*fg-cyan*", true, ""),
("*fg-default*", true, ""),
("*fg-green*", true, ""),
("*fg-magenta*", true, ""),
("*fg-red*", true, ""),
("*fg-white*", true, ""),
("*fg-yellow*", true, ""),
("*getopts-log*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*getopts-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*iterator-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*last-command*", true, ""),
("*last-status*", true, ""),
("*lib-src*", true, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*load-path*", true, ""),
("*ns*", true, ""),
("*ns-exports*", true, ""),
("*pi*", true, ""),
("*read-table*", true, ""),
("*read-table-terminal*", true, ""),
("*repl-settings*", true, ""),
("*run-script*", true, ""),
("*seq-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*shell-read-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*shell-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*slsh-std-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*slshrc-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*std-lib-exported-syms-hash*", true, ""),
("*std-lib-namespaces*", true, ""),
("*std-lib-syms-hash*", true, ""),
("*stderr*", true, ""),
("*stdin*", true, ""),
("*stdout*", true, ""),
("*string-read-table*", true, ""),
("*struct-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*test-src*", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("*uid*", true, ""),
("=+", true, ""),
("-", true, ""),
("->", true, ""),
("->>", true, ""),
("/", true, ""),
("2pow", true, ""),
("<", true, ""),
("<=", true, ""),
("=", true, ""),
(">", true, ""),
(">=", true, ""),
("^ns-stack-xyz^", true, ""),
("__prompt", true, ""),
("abs", true, ""),
("alias", true, ""),
("alias?", true, ""),
("and", true, ""),
("and-let*", true, ""),
("append", true, ""),
("append-iter", true, ""),
("append-to!", true, ""),
("apply", true, ""),
("apply-defaults", true, ""),
("arccos", true, ""),
("arcsin", true, ""),
("arctan", true, ""),
("args", true, ""),
("arity-zero-can-not-be-required", true, ""),
("assert-equal", true, ""),
("assert-error", true, ""),
("assert-error-msg", true, ""),
("assert-false", true, ""),
("assert-includes", true, ""),
("assert-not-equal", true, ""),
("assert-not-includes", true, ""),
("assert-true", true, ""),
("back-quote", true, ""),
("bg", true, ""),
("bg-color-rgb", true, ""),
("block", true, ""),
("boolean?", true, ""),
("builtin?", true, ""),
("butlast", true, ""),
("caaar", true, ""),
("caadr", true, ""),
("caar", true, ""),
("cadar", true, ""),
("cadddr", true, ""),
("caddr", true, ""),
("cadr", true, ""),
("callable?", true, ""),
("car", true, ""),
("cd", true, ""),
("cdaar", true, ""),
("cdadr", true, ""),
("cdar", true, ""),
("cddar", true, ""),
("cdddr", true, ""),
("cddr", true, ""),
("cdr", true, ""),
("ceil", true, ""),
("chain", true, ""),
("chain-and", true, ""),
("chain-when", true, ""),
("char->int", true, ""),
("char-lower", true, ""),
("char-upper", true, ""),
("char-whitespace?", true, ""),
("char?", true, ""),
("check", true, ""),
("check-custom", true, ""),
("clear-dirs", true, ""),
("close", true, ""),
("codepoints", true, ""),
("collate-fs-changes", true, ""),
("collect", true, ""),
("collect-copy", true, ""),
("collect-str", true, ""),
("collect-vec", true, ""),
("cond", true, ""),
("consume-comment", true, ""),
("consume-whitespace", true, ""),
("cos", true, ""),
("dec!", true, ""),
("def", true, ""),
("def?", true, ""),
("defmacro", true, ""),
("defn", true, ""),
"Will consider other implementations if struct-like functionality if desired.",
"Will consider other implementations if trait-like functionality is desired.",
("dirs", true, ""),
("do", true, ""),
("do-unstr", true, ":>"),
("doc", true, ""),
"Possible now with command: (get-prop 'symbol :doc-string)",
("dotimes", true, ""),
("dotimes-i", true, ""),
("double-ended-iter?", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("double-ended-iterator", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("dyn", true, ""),
("empty-seq?", true, ""),
("empty?", true, ""),
("enforce-constrains", true, ""),
("epoch", true, ""),
("eprint", true, "epr"),
("eprintln", true, "eprn"),
("err", true, ""),
("err>", true, ":2>"), ("err>>", true, ":2>>"), ("err>null", true, ""), ("error-stack-off", true, ""),
("error-stack-on", true, ""),
("eval", true, ""),
("exit", true, ""),
("exp", true, ""),
("expand-brace", true, ""),
("expand-dollar", true, ""),
("expand-macro", true, ""),
("expand-macro-all", true, ""),
("expand-macro1", true, ""),
("expand-tilde", true, ""),
("export", true, ""),
("false?", true, ""),
("falsey?", true, ""),
("fc", true, ""),
("fg", true, ""),
("fg-color-rgb", true, ""),
("file-iter", true, ""),
("file?", true, ""),
("filter", true, ""),
("filter-iter", true, ""),
("find-symbol", true, ""),
("first", true, ""),
("first-quartile", true, ""),
("fix-one-arg-bindings", true, ""),
("flatten-args", true, ""),
("float->int", true, ""),
("float?", true, ""),
("floor", true, ""),
("flush", true, "fflush"),
("fn", true, ""),
("fn-to-predicate", true, ""),
("fncall", true, ""),
("for", true, ""),
("for-i", true, ""),
("fork", true, ""),
("format", true, ""),
("fract", true, ""),
("fs-accessed", true, ""),
("fs-base", true, ""),
("fs-crawl", true, ""),
("fs-dir?", true, ""),
("fs-exists?", true, ""),
("fs-file?", true, ""),
("fs-len", true, ""),
("fs-modified", true, ""),
("fs-notify", true, ""),
("fs-parent", true, ""),
("fs-rm", true, ""),
("fs-same?", true, ""),
("func?", true, ""),
("gensym", true, ""),
("get-arity", true, ""),
("get-dirs", true, ""),
("get-env", true, ""),
("get-error", true, ""),
("get-home", true, ""),
("get-next-params", true, ""),
("get-pid", true, ""),
("get-rgb-seq", true, ""),
("get-temp", true, ""),
("get-temp-file", true, ""),
("get_pwd", true, ""),
("getopts", true, ""),
("getopts-bad-first-arg", true, ""),
("getopts-bad-option-arity", true, ""),
("getopts-help", true, ""),
("getopts-help--options-map-is-map", true, ""),
("getopts-illegal-option", true, ""),
("getopts-invalid-type-function", true, ""),
("getopts-options-map-is-map", true, ""),
("getopts-type-error-message", true, ""),
("glob", true, ""),
("handle-last-command", true, ""),
("handle-process", true, ""),
("hash-clear!", true, ""),
("hash-get", true, ""),
("hash-haskey", true, ""),
("hash-keys", true, ""),
("hash-remove!", true, ""),
("hash-set!", true, ""),
("hash?", true, ""),
("history-context", true, ""),
("history-empty?", true, ""),
("history-length", true, ""),
("history-nth", true, ""),
("history-push", true, ""),
("history-push-throwaway", true, ""),
("identity", true, ""),
("if", true, ""),
("import", true, ""),
("in?", true, ""),
("inc!", true, ""),
("int->float", true, ""),
("int?", true, ""),
("interleave", true, ""),
("interleave-iter", true, ""),
("intern-stats", true, ""),
("is-getopts-option-string", true, ""),
("is-multi-char-arg", true, ""),
("is-multi-single-char-args", true, ""),
("is-single-char-arg", true, ""),
("iter", true, ""),
("iter-or-single", true, ""),
("iter?", true, ""),
("iterator", true, ""),
("jobs", true, ""),
("join", true, ""),
("lambda?", true, ""),
("last", true, ""),
("len0?", true, ""),
("len>0?", true, ""),
("length", true, ""),
("let", true, ""),
("let*", true, ""),
("let-env", true, ""),
("list", true, ""),
("list-iter", true, ""),
("list-vec?", true, ""),
("list?", true, ""),
("lists=", true, ""),
("lne", true, ""),
("load", true, ""),
("log", true, ""),
("log2", true, ""),
("logger", true, ""),
("loop", true, ""),
("macro", true, ""),
("macro?", true, ""),
("make-hash", true, ""),
("make-hash-with-keys", true, ""),
("make-regex", true, ""),
("make-vec", true, ""),
("map", true, ""),
("map-iter", true, ""),
("match", true, ""),
("max", true, ""),
("maybe-docstring?", true, ""),
("maybe-glob?", true, ""),
("mean", true, ""),
("median", true, ""),
("meld", true, ""),
("meld-iter", true, ""),
("meta-add-tags", true, ""),
("meta-column-no", true, ""),
("meta-file-name", true, ""),
("meta-line-no", true, ""),
("meta-tag?", true, ""),
("method", true, ""),
("min", true, ""),
("mkli", true, ""),
("mode", true, ""),
("next!", true, ""),
("nil?", true, ""),
("non-empty-seq?", true, ""),
("none?", true, ""),
("not", true, ""),
("ns-auto-export", true, ""),
("ns-create", true, ""),
("ns-enter", true, ""),
("ns-exists?", true, ""),
"Everything in slosh is exported by default.",
("ns-import", true, "import"),
("ns-list", true, ""),
("ns-pop", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("ns-push", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("ns-symbols", true, ""),
("nsubstitute!", true, ""),
("nth", true, ""),
("null", true, ""),
("nyi", true, ""),
("occurs", true, ""),
("open", true, "fopen"),
("or", true, ""),
("out-err>", true, ""), ("out-err>>", true, ""), ("out-err>null", true, ""), ("out>", true, ""), ("out>>", true, ""), ("out>null", true, ""), (
"Do not need separate equals specifier for pair.",
("pair?", true, ""),
("path_list_trunc", true, ""),
("pid", true, ""),
("pipe", true, ""),
("pipe-err", false, UNNECESSARY_IN_SLOSH),
("popd", true, ""),
("pow", true, ""),
("print", true, "pr"),
"Now one drops in to the debugger when an error occurs.",
("println", true, "prn"),
("probool", true, ""),
("process?", true, ""),
("prompt", true, ""),
("pushd", true, ""),
("qsort", true, ""),
("quote", true, ""),
("random", true, ""),
("random-str", true, ""),
("range", true, ""),
("range-iter", true, ""),
("re-color", true, ""),
("re-find", true, ""),
("re-find-all", true, ""),
("re-match", true, ""),
("re-replace", true, ""),
("read", true, ""),
("read-all", true, ""),
("read-line", true, ""),
("read-list", true, ""),
("read-string", true, ""),
("read-var", true, ""),
("read-var-bracket", true, ""),
("reader-macro-dot", true, ""),
("reap-jobs", true, ""),
("recur", true, ""),
("redir&>", true, ""),
("redir&>>", true, ""),
("redir2>", true, ""),
("redir2>>", true, ""),
("redir>", true, ""),
("redir>>", true, ""),
("reduce", true, ""),
("reduce-times", true, ""),
("ref", true, ""),
("regex?", true, ""),
("register-alias", true, ""),
("repeat", true, ""),
("repeat-iter", true, ""),
("repl", true, ""),
("repl-eof", true, ""),
("repl-line", true, ""),
("required-argument", true, ""),
("rest", true, ""),
("return-from", true, ""),
("reverse", true, ""),
("reverse-iter", true, ""),
("rm-esc", true, ""),
("round", true, ""),
("run-bg-first", true, ""),
("run-bg-prep-args", true, ""),
("run-example", true, ""),
("run-ns-example", true, ""),
("seq-for", true, ""),
("seq?", true, ""),
("set!", true, ""),
("set-dirs-max", true, ""),
("set_prompt_tail", true, ""),
("setnth!", true, ""),
("setup-chainer", true, ""),
("shell-read", true, ""),
("shell-read-int", true, ""),
("sin", true, ""),
("single-iter", true, ""),
("sleep", true, ""),
("slice", true, ""),
("slice-iter", true, ""),
("some?", true, ""),
("sqrt", true, ""),
("std-dev", true, ""),
("str", true, ""),
("str->float", true, ""),
("str->int", true, ""),
("str-append", true, ""),
("str-bytes", true, ""),
("str-cat-list", true, ""),
("str-clear!", true, ""),
("str-contains", true, ""),
("str-empty?", true, ""),
("str-iter-empty?", true, ""),
("str-iter-next!", true, ""),
("str-iter-peek", true, ""),
("str-iter-start", true, ""),
("str-lower", true, ""),
("str-ltrim", true, ""),
("str-map", true, ""),
("str-nth", true, ""),
("str-push!", true, ""),
("str-replace", true, ""),
("str-rsplit", true, ""),
("str-rsplitn", true, ""),
("str-rtrim", true, ""),
("str-split", true, ""),
("str-splitn", true, ""),
("str-starts-with", true, ""),
("str-sub", true, ""),
("str-trim", true, ""),
("str-upper", true, ""),
("string-iter", true, ""),
("string?", true, ""),
("substitute", true, ""),
("summary-stats", true, ""),
("supported-types-map", true, ""),
("sym", true, ""),
("sym->str", true, ""),
("symbol?", true, ""),
("syntax-off", true, ""),
("syntax-on", true, ""),
("sys-apply", true, ""),
("sys-command?", true, ""),
("syscall", true, "sh"),
("take", true, ""),
("take-iter", true, ""),
("tan", true, ""),
("temp-dir", true, ""),
("third-quartile", true, ""),
("time", true, ""),
("timer", true, ""),
("to-degrees", true, ""),
("to-radians", true, ""),
("tok-default-color", true, ""),
("tok-invalid-color", true, ""),
("tok-slsh-fcn-color", true, ""),
("tok-slsh-form-color", true, ""),
("tok-string-color", true, ""),
("tok-sys-alias-color", true, ""),
("tok-sys-command-color", true, ""),
("token-delim", true, ""),
("true?", true, ""),
("type", true, ""),
("umask", true, ""),
("unalias", true, ""),
("undef", true, ""),
("unexport", true, ""),
("unregister-alias", true, ""),
("unwind-protect", true, ""),
("valid-first-arg?", true, ""),
("values", true, ""),
("values-length", true, ""),
("values-nth", true, ""),
("values?", true, ""),
("var", true, ""),
("var-or-env", true, ""),
("vec", true, ""),
("vec-clear!", true, ""),
("vec-empty?", true, ""),
("vec-insert!", true, ""),
("vec-iter", true, ""),
("vec-nth", true, ""),
("vec-pop!", true, ""),
("vec-push!", true, ""),
("vec-remove!", true, ""),
("vec-set!", true, ""),
("vec-slice", true, ""),
("vec?", true, ""),
"Leftover from getopts implementation.",
"Leftover from getopts implementation.",
("version", true, ""),
("wait", true, ""),
("when", true, ""),
("with-padding", true, ""),
("with-temp", true, ""),
("with-temp-file", true, ""),
("write-line", true, ""),
("write-string", true, ""),
("xar!", true, ""),
("xdr!", true, ""),