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// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! Fast, non-cryptographic hash used by rustc and Firefox.
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! # #[cfg(feature = "std")]
//! # fn main() {
//! use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
//! let mut map: FxHashMap<u32, u32> = FxHashMap::default();
//! map.insert(22, 44);
//! # }
//! # #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
//! # fn main() { }
//! ```
use core::convert::TryInto;
use core::default::Default;
use core::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
use core::hash::Hasher;
use core::mem::size_of;
use core::ops::BitXor;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
/// Type alias for a hashmap using the `fx` hash algorithm.
pub type FxHashMap<K, V> = HashMap<K, V, BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher>>;
/// Type alias for a hashmap using the `fx` hash algorithm.
pub type FxHashSet<V> = HashSet<V, BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher>>;
/// A speedy hash algorithm for use within rustc. The hashmap in liballoc
/// by default uses SipHash which isn't quite as speedy as we want. In the
/// compiler we're not really worried about DOS attempts, so we use a fast
/// non-cryptographic hash.
/// This is the same as the algorithm used by Firefox -- which is a homespun
/// one not based on any widely-known algorithm -- though modified to produce
/// 64-bit hash values instead of 32-bit hash values. It consistently
/// out-performs an FNV-based hash within rustc itself -- the collision rate is
/// similar or slightly worse than FNV, but the speed of the hash function
/// itself is much higher because it works on up to 8 bytes at a time.
pub struct FxHasher {
hash: usize,
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
const K: usize = 0x9e3779b9;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
const K: usize = 0x517cc1b727220a95;
impl FxHasher {
fn add_to_hash(&mut self, i: usize) {
self.hash = self.hash.rotate_left(5).bitxor(i).wrapping_mul(K);
impl Hasher for FxHasher {
fn write(&mut self, mut bytes: &[u8]) {
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
let read_usize = |bytes: &[u8]| u32::from_ne_bytes(bytes[..4].try_into().unwrap());
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
let read_usize = |bytes: &[u8]| u64::from_ne_bytes(bytes[..8].try_into().unwrap());
let mut hash = FxHasher { hash: self.hash };
assert!(size_of::<usize>() <= 8);
while bytes.len() >= size_of::<usize>() {
hash.add_to_hash(read_usize(bytes) as usize);
bytes = &bytes[size_of::<usize>()..];
if (size_of::<usize>() > 4) && (bytes.len() >= 4) {
hash.add_to_hash(u32::from_ne_bytes(bytes[..4].try_into().unwrap()) as usize);
bytes = &bytes[4..];
if (size_of::<usize>() > 2) && bytes.len() >= 2 {
hash.add_to_hash(u16::from_ne_bytes(bytes[..2].try_into().unwrap()) as usize);
bytes = &bytes[2..];
if (size_of::<usize>() > 1) && !bytes.is_empty() {
hash.add_to_hash(bytes[0] as usize);
self.hash = hash.hash;
fn write_u8(&mut self, i: u8) {
self.add_to_hash(i as usize);
fn write_u16(&mut self, i: u16) {
self.add_to_hash(i as usize);
fn write_u32(&mut self, i: u32) {
self.add_to_hash(i as usize);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
fn write_u64(&mut self, i: u64) {
self.add_to_hash(i as usize);
self.add_to_hash((i >> 32) as usize);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn write_u64(&mut self, i: u64) {
self.add_to_hash(i as usize);
fn write_usize(&mut self, i: usize) {
fn finish(&self) -> u64 {
self.hash as u64