
{{ #include section-docs/ }}

List of symbols:

<, <=, ==, >, >=, and, cond, if, match, not, or, when


Usage: (< val0 ... valN)

Less than. Works for int, float or string.


(test::assert-true (< 1 2))
(test::assert-true (< 1 2 3 4))
(test::assert-false (< 2 2))
(test::assert-false (< 2 2 2))
(test::assert-false (< 2 2 3))
(test::assert-true (< 1.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (< 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (< 2.0 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (< 2.0 2.0 3.0))
(test::assert-false (< 2.1 2.0 3.0))
(test::assert-false (< 2 1))
(test::assert-false (< 3 2 3))
(test::assert-true (< 1.0 1.1 ))
(test::assert-true (< 1.0 1.01 ))
(test::assert-true (< 1.0 1.001 ))
(test::assert-true (< 1.0 1.0001 ))
(test::assert-true (< 1.0 1.00001 ))
(test::assert-true (< 1.0 1.000001 ))
(test::assert-true (< 1.0 1.0000001 ))
(test::assert-false (< 1.0 1.00000000000001 ))


Usage: (<= val0 ... valN)

Less than or equal. Works for int, float or string.


(test::assert-true (<= 1 2))
(test::assert-true (<= 2 2))
(test::assert-true (<= 2 2 2))
(test::assert-true (<= 2 2 3))
(test::assert-true (<= 1.0 2.0))
(test::assert-true (<= 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-true (<= 2.0 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-true (<= 2.0 2.0 3.0))
(test::assert-false (<= 2.1 2.0 3.0))
(test::assert-false (<= 2 1))
(test::assert-false (<= 3 2 3))
(test::assert-true (<= 1.00000000000001 1.0000000000001 ))
(test::assert-true (<= 10.0000000000001 10.000000000001))
(test::assert-true (<= 100.000000000001 100.00000000001))
(test::assert-true (<= 1000.000000000001 1000.00000000001))


Usage: (== val0 ... valN)

Equals. Works for numeric types (int, float).


(test::assert-false (== 1 2))
(test::assert-true (== 2 2))
(test::assert-true (== 2 2 2))
(test::assert-false (== 3 2 2))
(test::assert-false (== 3.0 2.0))
(test::assert-true (== 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-true (== 2.0 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (== 3.0 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (== 2.1 2.0 3.0))
(test::assert-false (== 2 1))
(test::assert-false (== 3 2 1))
(test::assert-false (== 1.1 1.0))
(test::assert-true (== 1.1 1.1))
(test::assert-false (== 3 2 3))


Usage: (> val0 ... valN)

Greater than. Works for int, float or string.


(test::assert-false (> 1 2))
(test::assert-false (> 2 2))
(test::assert-false (> 2 2 2))
(test::assert-false (> 3 2 2))
(test::assert-true (> 3.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (> 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (> 2.0 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (> 3.0 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (> 2.1 2.0 3.0))
(test::assert-true (> 2 1))
(test::assert-true (> 3 2 1))
(test::assert-true (> 1.1 1.0))
(test::assert-false (> 3 2 3))
(test::assert-true (> 1.001 1.0))
(test::assert-true (> 1.0000001 1.0))
(test::assert-false (> 1.00000000000001 1.0))


Usage: (>= val0 ... valN)

Greater than or equal. Works for int, float or string.


(test::assert-false (>= 1 2))
(test::assert-true (>= 2 2))
(test::assert-true (>= 2 2 2))
(test::assert-true (>= 3 2 2))
(test::assert-true (>= 3.0 2.0))
(test::assert-true (>= 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-true (>= 2.0 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-true (>= 3.0 2.0 2.0))
(test::assert-false (>= 2.1 2.0 3.0))
(test::assert-true (>= 2 1))
(test::assert-true (>= 1.1 1.0))
(test::assert-false (>= 3 2 3))
(test::assert-true (>= 1.0000000000001 1.00000000000001))
(test::assert-true (>= 10.000000000001 10.0000000000001))
(test::assert-true (>= 100.00000000001 100.000000000001))
(test::assert-true (>= 1000.00000000001 1000.000000000001))


Usage: (and exp0 ... expN) -> [false(#f) or expN result]

Evaluates each form until one produces nil or false(#f), produces false(#f) if any form is nil/#f or the result of the last expression.

The and form will stop evaluating when the first expression produces nil/#f.


(test::assert-equal #f (and nil (err "and- can not happen")))
(test::assert-equal #f (and #f (err "and- can not happen")))
(test::assert-equal "and- done" (and #t "and- done"))
(test::assert-equal "and- done" (and #t #t "and- done"))
(test::assert-equal 6 (and #t #t (+ 1 2 3)))
(test::assert-equal 6 (and (/ 10 5) (* 5 2) (+ 1 2 3)))


Usage: (cond ((test form*)*) -> result

Evaluate each test in order. If it is true then evaluate the form(s) in an implicit do and return the result. Stop evaluating at the first true test. Return nil if no conditions are true.


(def b 0)
(defn select-option (a)
    (cond ((= a 1) "opt-one")
          ((= a 2) (set! b 5) "opt-two")
          ((= a 3) (str "opt" "-three"))))
(defn select-option-def (a)
    (cond ((= a 1) "opt-one")
          ((= a 2) "opt-two")
          ((= a 3) (str "opt" "-three"))
          (#t "default")))
(test::assert-equal "opt-one" (select-option 1))
(test::assert-equal b 0)
(test::assert-equal "opt-two" (select-option 2))
(test::assert-equal b 5)
(test::assert-equal "opt-three" (select-option 3))
(test::assert-equal nil (select-option 4))
(test::assert-equal "opt-one" (select-option-def 1))
(test::assert-equal "opt-two" (select-option-def 2))
(test::assert-equal "opt-three" (select-option-def 3))
(test::assert-equal "default" (select-option-def 4))


Usage: (if p1 a1 p2 a2 ... pn an?) -> [evaled form result]

If conditional. Will evaluate p1 and if true (i.e. not nil or false) then return the evaluation of a1, if falsey(i.e. nil or false) evaluate p2 and so on. On an odd number of arguments (an is missing) then evaluate and return pn. Return false(#f) if no predicate is true. This degenerates into the traditional (if predicate then-form else-form). NOTE: Both nil and false(#f) are 'falsey' for the purposes of if.


(def test-if-one
    (if #t "ONE TRUE" "ONE FALSE"))
(def test-if-two
    (if nil "TWO TRUE" "TWO FALSE"))
(def test-if-three
    (if #f "THREE TRUE" "THREE FALSE"))
(test::assert-equal "ONE TRUE" test-if-one)
(test::assert-equal "TWO FALSE" test-if-two)
(test::assert-equal "THREE FALSE" test-if-three)

(def test-if-one2
    (if #t "ONE2 TRUE"))
(def test-if-two2
    (if nil "TWO2 TRUE"))
(def test-if-three2
    (if #f "THREE2 TRUE"))
(test::assert-equal "ONE2 TRUE" test-if-one2)
(test::assert-equal #f test-if-two2)
(test::assert-equal #f test-if-three2)

(def test-if-one2
    (if nil "ONE FALSE" #t "ONE TRUE" #t "ONE TRUE2"))
(def test-if-two2
    (if nil "TWO TRUE" #f "TWO FALSE" #t "TWO TRUE2"))
(def test-if-three2
(test::assert-equal "ONE TRUE" test-if-one2)
(test::assert-equal "TWO TRUE2" test-if-two2)
(test::assert-equal "THREE DEFAULT" test-if-three2)
(test::assert-equal nil (if nil))
(test::assert-equal #f (if nil #t nil #t nil #t))


Usage: (match condition (value form*)*) -> result

Evaluate condition and look for matching value in each branch of type (value form*). Form(s) will be wrapped in an implicit do. Use nil to take action if no match (encouraged!).


(defn select-option (a)
    (match a (1 "opt-one")
             (2 (set! b 5) "opt-two")
             (3 (str "opt" "-three"))))
(defn select-option-def (a)
    (match a (1 "opt-one")
             (2 "opt-two")
             (3 (str "opt" "-three"))
             (nil "default")))
(def b 0)
(test::assert-equal b 0)
(test::assert-equal "opt-one" (select-option 1))
(test::assert-equal "opt-two" (select-option 2))
(test::assert-equal b 5)
(test::assert-equal "opt-three" (select-option 3))
(test::assert-equal #f (select-option 4))
(test::assert-equal "opt-one" (select-option-def 1))
(test::assert-equal "opt-two" (select-option-def 2))
(test::assert-equal "opt-three" (select-option-def 3))
(test::assert-equal "default" (select-option-def 4))


Usage: (not expression)

Return true(#t) if expression is nil, false(#f) otherwise.


(test::assert-true (not nil))
(test::assert-false (not 10))
(test::assert-false (not #t))
(test::assert-false (not (+ 1 2 3)))


Usage: (or exp0 ... expN) -> [false(#f) or first non nil expression]

Evaluates each form until one produces a non-nil/non-false result, produces #f if all expressions are 'falsey'.

The or form will stop evaluating when the first expression produces non-nil/false.


(test::assert-true (or nil nil #t (err "and- can not happen")))
(test::assert-true (or #f nil #t (err "and- can not happen")))
(test::assert-true (or #f #f #t (err "and- can not happen")))
(test::assert-equal #f (or nil nil nil))
(test::assert-equal #f (or #f nil nil))
(test::assert-equal #f (or #f nil #f))
(test::assert-equal #f (or #f #f #f))
(test::assert-equal "or- done" (or nil "or- done"))
(test::assert-equal "or- done" (or nil nil "or- done"))
(test::assert-equal 6 (or nil nil (+ 1 2 3)))
(test::assert-equal 2 (or (/ 10 5) (* 5 2) (+ 1 2 3)))


Usage: (when provided-condition if-true)

when is a convenience function used to check a form, provided-condition, and run some form, if-true, if provided-condition evaluates to true.


(test::assert-true (when #t #t))
(test::assert-false (when #t nil))
(test::assert-false (when nil nil))