
List of symbols:

=, apply, back-quote, block, comp-time, dec!, def, defmacro, defn, do, doc, dotimes, dotimes-i, dyn, err, eval, fn, get-error, get-globals, get-in-namespace, get-namespaces, identity, import, inc!, len, let, let-while, load, loop, macro, mk-err, not=, not==, ns, nsubstitute!, occurs, on-raised-error, quote, recur, set!, substitute, to-list, to-vec, usage, with-ns


Usage: (= val0 val1)

Test equality, works for most value types where it makes sense, not just primitives.


(test::assert-false (= "aab" "aaa"))
(test::assert-true (= "aaa" "aaa"))
(test::assert-true (= "aaa" "aaa" "aaa"))
(test::assert-false (= "aaa" "aaaa" "aaa"))
(test::assert-false (= "ccc" "aab" "aaa"))
(test::assert-false (= "aaa" "aab"))
(test::assert-true (= (get-error (/ 1 0)) (get-error (/ 1 0))))


Usage: (apply function arg* list)

Call the provided function with the supplied arguments, if last is a list or vector then it will be "spread" as arguments. For instance (apply pr 1 2 3 [4 5 6]) is equivalent to (pr 1 2 3 4 5 6).


(def test-apply-one (apply str "O" "NE"))
(test::assert-equal "ONE" test-apply-one)
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply + 1 2 7))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply + 1 [2 7]))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply + 1 '(2 7)))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply + [1 2 7]))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply + '(1 2 7)))
(def test-apply-fn1 (fn (& args) (apply + args)))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn1 1 2 7))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn1 1 [2 7]))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn1 1 '(2 7)))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn1 [1 2 7]))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn1 '(1 2 7)))
(def test-apply-fn2 (fn (x y z) (+ x y z)))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn2 1 2 7))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn2 1 [2 7]))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn2 1 '(2 7)))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn2 [1 2 7]))
(test::assert-equal 10 (apply test-apply-fn2 '(1 2 7)))


Usage: `expression -> expression

Return expression without evaluation. Always use the ` reader macro or expansion will not work (i.e. (back-quote expression) will not do , expansion).

Backquote (unlike quote) allows for symbol/form evaluation using , or ,@.


(test::assert-equal (list 1 2 3) `(1 2 3))
(test::assert-equal `(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
(def test-bquote-one 1)
(def test-bquote-list '(1 2 3))
(test::assert-equal (list 1 2 3) `(~test-bquote-one 2 3))
(test::assert-equal (list 1 2 3) `(~@test-bquote-list))


Usage: (get-error exp0 ... expN) -> pair

Evaluate each form (like do) but on error return (:error msg backtrace) instead of aborting. On success return (:ok . expN-result).

If there is no error will return the value of the last expression as the cdr of the pair. Always returns a pair with the first value either being :ok or :error.


(let (get-error-t1 (get-error (err (mk-err :string (str "Some Error")))))
    (test::assert-equal :error (car get-error-t1))
    (test::assert-equal "error [string]: \"Some Error\"" (str (cdr get-error-t1))))
(test::assert-equal "Some String" (get-error "Some String"))
(test::assert-equal "Some Other String" (get-error (let (test-get-error "Some ") (str test-get-error "Other String"))))


Usage: (comp-time sexp+)

Compile and execute sexp+ at compile time. The result of the final sexp will then be compiled into the current module being compiled (produce nil to avoid this).


(with-ns test-out
    (comp-time '(def ttf (fn () '(1 2 3))))
    (comp-time (def ttf2 (fn () '(1 2 3))) nil)
    (test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (ttf))
    (test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (test-out::ttf))
    (test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (ttf2))
    (test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (test-out::ttf2)))


Usage: (dec! symbol [number]) -> new value

Decrement the value in symbol by one or the optional number


(def *dec-test* 5)
(test::assert-equal 4 (dec! *dec-test*))
(test::assert-equal 4 *dec-test*)
(test::assert-equal 1 (dec! *dec-test* 3))
(test::assert-equal 1 *dec-test*)
(let (dec-test 5)
  (test::assert-equal 4 (dec! dec-test))
  (test::assert-equal 4 dec-test)
  (test::assert-equal 1 (dec! dec-test 3))
  (test::assert-equal 1 dec-test))


Usage: (def symbol doc_string? expression) -> expression

Adds an expression to the current namespace. Return the expression that was defined. Symbol is not evaluated. Can take an option doc string (docstrings can only be set on namespaced (global) symbols).


(def test-do-one nil)
(def test-do-two nil)
(def test-do-three (do (set! test-do-one "One")(set! test-do-two "Two")"Three"))
(test::assert-equal "One" test-do-one)
(test::assert-equal "Two" test-do-two)
(test::assert-equal "Three" test-do-three)
(let (test-do-one nil)
    ; Add this to the let's scope (shadow the outer test-do-two).
    (test::assert-equal "Default" (def test-do-four "Default"))
    ; set the currently scoped value.
    (set! test-do-one "1111")
    (set! test-do-two "2222")
    (test::assert-equal "1111" test-do-one)
    (test::assert-equal "2222" test-do-two)
    (test::assert-equal "Default" test-do-four))
; Original outer scope not changed.
(test::assert-equal "One" test-do-one)
(test::assert-equal "Default" test-do-four)


Usage: (defmacro name argument_list body)

Create a macro and bind it to a symbol in the current scope.


(defmacro test-mac (x) `(inc! ~x))
(def test-mac-x 2)
(test-mac test-mac-x)
(test::assert-equal 3 test-mac-x)
(defmacro test-mac (x) `(set! ~x 15))
(test-mac test-mac-x)
(test::assert-equal 15 test-mac-x)


Usage: (defn name args body)

Define a named function in the current namespace.


(defn defn-test (x y) (+ x y))
(test::assert-equal 5 (defn-test 2 3))
(defn defn-test (x y) (set! x (* x 2)) (+ x y))
(test::assert-equal 7 (defn-test 2 3))
(defn defn-test (x y) nil)
(test::assert-false (defn-test 2 3))
(defn defn-test (x y) #t)
(test::assert-true (defn-test 2 3))


Usage: (do exp0 ... expN) -> expN

Evaluate each form and return the last.


(def test-do-one nil)
(def test-do-two nil)
(def test-do-three (do (set! test-do-one "One") (set! test-do-two "Two") "Three"))
(test::assert-equal "One" test-do-one)
(test::assert-equal "Two" test-do-two)
(test::assert-equal "Three" test-do-three)


Usage: (doc sym [SCRATCH] [SCRATCH] docs has-usage)

Print the documentation for provided symbol.

No Examples


Usage: (dotimes times body [SCRATCH] [SCRATCH] i-name)

Evaluate body a number of times equal to times' numerical value.


(def i 0)
(dotimes 11 (set! i (+ 1 i)))
(test::assert-equal 11 i)


Usage: (dotimes-i idx-bind times body)

Evaluate body a number of times equal to times' numerical value. Includes an incrementing reference binding, idx-bind, accessible in body.


(def i 0)
(def i-tot 0)
(dotimes-i idx 11 (do (set! i-tot (+ idx i-tot))(set! i (+ 1 i))))
(test::assert-equal 11 i)
(test::assert-equal 55 i-tot)


Usage: (dyn key value expression) -> result_of_expression

Creates a dynamic binding for key, assigns value to it and evals expression under it. Note that if key must be a symbol and is not evaluated.

The binding is gone once the dyn form ends. This is basically a set! on the binding in an unwind protect to reset it when done. When used on a global will set the first binding found and reset it when done. Calls to dyn can be nested and previous dynamic values will be restored as interior dyn's exit.


(def *dyn-test* 1)
(defn test-dyn-fn (val) (str *dyn-test* val))
(def out (dyn *dyn-test* 11 (test-dyn-fn 101)))
(test::assert-equal "11101" (str out))
;; when file handling works
;;(defn test-dyn-fn () (prn "Print dyn out"))
;;(dyn *stdout* (open "/tmp/sl-sh.dyn.test" :create :truncate) (test-dyn-fn))
;;(test::assert-equal "Print dyn out" (read-line (open "/tmp/sl-sh.dyn.test" :read)))


Usage: (err :keyword value)

Raises an error with keyword and value. By default this will break into the debugger like a runtime error (use get-error to avoid this).


(let (error (get-error (err :test "Test error")))
    (test::assert-equal :test (car error))
    (test::assert-equal "Test error" (cdr error))
    (test::assert-true (err? error)))


Usage: (eval expression)

Evaluate the provided expression. If expression is a list it will be compiled and executed and the result returned other values will just be returned (i.e. (eval 1) = 1, (eval "test") = "test", (eval [1 2 3]) = [1 2 3], etc).

Note eval is a function not a special form, the provided expression will be evaluated as part of a call.


(test::assert-equal "ONE" (eval "ONE"))
(test::assert-equal 10 (eval 10))
(test::assert-equal [1 2 3] (eval [1 2 3]))
(test::assert-equal 10 (eval '(+ 1 2 7)))
(test::assert-equal 10 (eval '(apply + 1 2 7)))
(test::assert-equal 10 (eval '(apply + 1 '(2 7))))
(test::assert-equal 10 (eval '(apply + '(1 2 7))))
(test::assert-equal 10 (eval '(apply + 1 [2 7])))
(test::assert-equal 10 (eval '(apply + [1 2 7])))


Usage: (fn (param*) expr*) -> exprN

Create a function (lambda).


(def test-fn1 nil)
(def test-fn2 nil)
(def test-fn3 nil)
(def test-fn-empty ((fn () nil)))
(test::assert-false test-fn-empty)
((fn () (set! test-fn1 1)))
(test::assert-equal 1 test-fn1)
((fn () (set! test-fn1 10)(set! test-fn2 2)))
(test::assert-equal 10 test-fn1)
(test::assert-equal 2 test-fn2)
((fn () (set! test-fn1 11)(set! test-fn2 20)(set! test-fn3 3)))
(test::assert-equal 11 test-fn1)
(test::assert-equal 20 test-fn2)
(test::assert-equal 3 test-fn3)
((fn (x y z) (set! test-fn1 x)(set! test-fn2 y)(set! test-fn3 z)) 12 21 30)
(test::assert-equal 12 test-fn1)
(test::assert-equal 21 test-fn2)
(test::assert-equal 30 test-fn3)
(test::assert-equal 63 ((fn (x y z) (set! test-fn1 x)(set! test-fn2 y)(set! test-fn3 z)(+ x y z)) 12 21 30))


Usage: (get-error exp0 ... expN) -> pair

Evaluate each form (like do) but on error return (:error msg backtrace) instead of aborting. On success return (:ok . expN-result).

If there is no error will return the value of the last expression as the cdr of the pair. Always returns a pair with the first value either being :ok or :error.


(let (get-error-t1 (get-error (err (mk-err :string (str "Some Error")))))
    (test::assert-equal :error (car get-error-t1))
    (test::assert-equal "error [string]: \"Some Error\"" (str (cdr get-error-t1))))
(test::assert-equal "Some String" (get-error "Some String"))
(test::assert-equal "Some Other String" (get-error (let (test-get-error "Some ") (str test-get-error "Other String"))))


Usage: (get-globals)

Return a vector containing all the symbols currently defined globally.

No Examples


Usage: (get-in-namespace 'SYMBOL)

Return a vector containing all the globals currently defined namespace SYMBOL.

No Examples


Usage: (get-namespaces)

Return a vector containing all the namespaces currently defined globally.

No Examples


Usage: (identity arg)

Identity function.


(test::assert-equal 0 (identity 0))


Usage: (import namespace [:as symbol])

Will import a namespace. Without an :as then all symbols in the namespace will become available in the current namespace as if local. With [:as symbol] then all namespace symbols become available with symbol:: prepended.


(ns testing)
(def x #t)
(test::assert-true x)
(ns ::)
(test::assert-true testing::x)
(import testing)
(test::assert-true x)
(import testing :as t)
(test::assert-true t::x)


Usage: (inc! symbol [number]) -> new value

Increment the value in symbol by one or the optional number


(def *inc-test* 1)
(test::assert-equal 2 (inc! *inc-test*))
(test::assert-equal 2 *inc-test*)
(test::assert-equal 5 (inc! *inc-test* 3))
(test::assert-equal 5 *inc-test*)
(let (inc-test 1)
  (test::assert-equal 2 (inc! inc-test))
  (test::assert-equal 2 inc-test)
  (test::assert-equal 5 (inc! inc-test 3))
  (test::assert-equal 5 inc-test))


Usage: (len expression) -> int

Return length of supplied expression. The length of an atom is 1.


(test::assert-equal 0 (len nil))
(test::assert-equal 5 (len "12345"))
; Note the unicode symbol is only one char even though it is more then one byte.
(test::assert-equal 6 (len "12345Σ"))
(test::assert-equal 3 (len '(1 2 3)))
(test::assert-equal 3 (len [1 2 3]))
(test::assert-equal 3 (len (list 1 2 3)))
(test::assert-equal 3 (len (vec 1 2 3)))
(test::assert-equal 1 (len 100))
(test::assert-equal 1 (len 100.0))
(test::assert-equal 1 (len \tab))


Usage: (let vals &rest let-body)

Takes list, vals, of form ((binding0 sexp0) (binding1 sexp1) ...) and evaluates let-body with all values of binding bound to the result of the evaluation of sexp.


(def test-do-one "One1")
(def test-do-two "Two1")
(def test-do-three (let (test-do-one "One") (set! test-do-two "Two")(test::assert-equal "One" test-do-one)"Three"))
(test::assert-equal "One1" test-do-one)
(test::assert-equal "Two" test-do-two)
(test::assert-equal "Three" test-do-three)
((fn (idx) (let (v2 (+ idx 2) v3 (+ idx 3))
    (test::assert-equal (+ idx 2) v2)
    (test::assert-equal (+ idx 3) v3)
    (if (< idx 5) (recur (+ idx 1)))))0)
((fn (idx) (let (v2 (+ idx 2) v3 (+ idx 3))
    (test::assert-equal (+ idx 2) v2)
    (test::assert-equal (+ idx 3) v3)
    (if (< idx 5) (this-fn (+ idx 1)))))0)


Usage: (let-while (initial-bindings) (loop bindings) condition & let-body)

Takes list of initial bindings (done once before loop) of form (binding0 sexp0, binding1 sexp1, ...), and a list of loop bindings (done at the start of each iteration including the first) and evaluates let-body with all values of binding bound to the result of the evaluation of both bindings while condition is true.


; both of these examples create a vector and iterate to print all the elements
; use traditional lisp structure
(def test-res [])
(let-while (l [1 2 3]) (done (empty? l), f (first l),  l (rest l)) (not done)
  (prn f)
  (vec-push! test-res f))
(let ([x y z] test-res)
  (test::assert-equal 1 x)
  (test::assert-equal 2 y)
  (test::assert-equal 3 z))
; same thing using destructuring
(def test-res [])
(let-while (l [1 2 3]) (done (empty? l), [% f & l] l) (not done)
  (prn f)
  (vec-push! test-res f))
(let ([x y z] test-res)
  (test::assert-equal 1 x)
  (test::assert-equal 2 y)
  (test::assert-equal 3 z))


Usage: (load path) -> [last form value]

Read and eval a file (from path- a string). The load special form executes at compile time. This means it's parameter must resolve at compile time. Most of the time you will want to use this in conjunction with 'with-ns' to namespace the contents. Note: on it's own does nothing with namespaces.


(comp-time (def test-temp-file (get-temp-file)) nil)
(defer (fs-rm test-temp-file))
(let (tst-file (fopen test-temp-file :create))
    (defer (fclose tst-file))
    (fprn tst-file "(with-ns test-load")
    (fprn tst-file "    (defn test-fn () '(1 2 3)))"))
(load test-temp-file) ; put stuff in it's own namespace
(test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (test-load::test-fn))

(with-ns test-out2
        (def test-temp-file (get-temp-file))
        (let (tst-file (fopen test-temp-file :create))
            (defer (fclose tst-file))
            (fprn tst-file "(defn test-fn () '(1 2 3))"))
    (defer (fs-rm test-temp-file))
    (load test-temp-file) ; put new stuff in current namespace
    (test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (test-fn))
    (test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (test-out2::test-fn)))


Usage: (loop params bindings body)

Binds bindings to parameters in body. Use recur with desired bindings for subsequent iteration. Within the loop the lambda 'break' will end the loop, break can take an option argument that is what the loop produces (nil if no argument).


(def tot 0)
(loop (idx) (3) (do
    (set! tot (+ tot 1))
    (if (> idx 1) (recur (- idx 1)))))
(test::assert-equal 3 tot)
(def tot 0)
(loop (idx) (0)
    (set! tot (+ tot 1))
    (when (not (= idx 2))
        (recur (+ idx 1))))
(test::assert-equal 3 tot)
(test::assert-equal 11 (loop (idx) (0)
    (if (= idx 2) (break 11))
    (recur (+ idx 1))))
(test::assert-false (loop (idx) (0)
    (if (= idx 2) (break nil))
    (recur (+ idx 1))))
(test::assert-error (loop (idx) (0)
    (if (= idx 2) (break 1 3))
    (recur (+ idx 1))))


Usage: (macro (args) `(apply + ,@args))

Define an anonymous macro.


(def test-macro1 nil)
(def test-macro2 nil)
(def test-macro-empty (macro () nil))
(test::assert-false (test-macro-empty))
(def test-mac nil)
(def mac-var 2)
(let (mac-var 3)
  (set! test-mac (macro (x) (set! test-macro2 100) (test::assert-equal 3 mac-var) (* mac-var x))))
(set! test-macro1 (test-mac 10))
(test::assert-equal 30 test-macro1)
(test::assert-equal 100 test-macro2)


Usage: (mk-err :keyword value)

Create an error object. This does not raise the error but merely creates it. Can use car/cdr to extract the keyword and value.


(let (error (mk-err :test "Test error"))
    (test::assert-equal :test (car error))
    (test::assert-equal "Test error" (cdr error))
    (test::assert-true (err? error)))


Usage: (not= arg1 arg2)

Test if two values are not equal using =


(test::assert-true (not= 0 1))
(test::assert-true (not= 1 1.0))
(test::assert-false (not= 2 2))
(test::assert-false (not= 0.0 -0.0))


Usage: (not== arg1 arg2)

Test if two values are not numerically equal using ==


(test::assert-true (not== 0 1))
(test::assert-false (not== 1 1.0))
(test::assert-false (not== 0.0 -0.0))
(test::assert-false (not== 2 2))


Usage: (ns SYMBOL)

Changes to namespace. This is "open-ended" change and is intended for use with the REPL prefer with-ns for scripts. The symbol "::" will return to the "root" namespace (i.e. no namespace prepended to globals). This will cause all globals defined to have namespace:: prepended. This will also clear any existing imports.


(ns testing)
(def x #t)
(test::assert-true x)
(ns ::)
(test::assert-true testing::x)


Usage: (nsubstitute! lst old-item new-item mods [SCRATCH] [SCRATCH] early-return)

Replaces all instances of old-item in lst with new-item. If last argument passed in is keyword :first only the first instance of old-item will be replaced.


(let (lst (list 1 2 3 4 5))
    (test::assert-equal (list 1 2 2 4 5) (nsubstitute! lst 3 2))
    (test::assert-equal (list 1 2 2 4 5) lst)
    (test::assert-equal (list 1 3 2 4 5) (nsubstitute! lst 2 3 :first)))


Usage: (occurs (list 1 2 ...) 7)

Counts instances of item in sequence.


(test::assert-equal 1 (occurs (list 1 3 5 2 4 8 2 4 88 2 1) 8))
(test::assert-equal 3 (occurs (list 1 3 5 2 4 10 2 4 88 2 1) 2))
(test::assert-equal 0 (occurs (list 1 3 5 2 4 10 2 4 88 2 1) 42))


Usage: (on-raised-error (fn (error) ...))

Low level (consider this unstable) interface to the raised error machinery. Useful for building higher level error handling (get-error for instance). It takes either Nil or a callable with one parameter. That parameter will be the error that was raised. The entire running "chunk" of code will be displaced for the installed handler. Probably best to use this with a continuation or a function that ends in a continuation call otherwise it may be difficult to reason about...

Will return the previously installed handler or Nil if one is not installed. Calling with Nil will return the old handler and clear it (no handler installed).

This special form will override breaking into the debugger when an error is raised.


(defmacro get-error-test (& body)
`(let (old-error (on-raised-error nil))
    (defer (on-raised-error old-error))
    (call/cc (fn (k) (on-raised-error (fn (err) (k (cons (car err)(cdr err)))))
                (cons :ok (do ~@body))))))

(test::assert-equal (cons :ok 6) (get-error-test (let (x 1, y 5) (+ x y))))
(test::assert-equal '(:test . "error") (get-error-test (let (x 1, y 5) (err :test "error")(+ x y))))


Usage: 'expression -> expression

Return expression without evaluation. The reader macro 'expression will expand to (quote expression).


(test::assert-equal (list 1 2 3) (quote (1 2 3)))
(test::assert-equal (list 1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
(test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (quote (1 2 3)))


Usage: (recur &rest)

Recursively call the enclosing function with the given parameters. Recur uses tail call optimization and must be in the tail position or it is an error. For a named function it would be equivalent to a normal recursive call in a tail position but it requires a tail position and does not need a name (a normal recursive call would work in a non-tail position but could blow the stack if it is to deep- unlike a recur or tail position recursive call). NOTE: potential footgun, the let macro expands to a lambda (fn) and a recur used inside the let would bind with the let not the enclosing lambda (this would apply to any macro that also expands to a lambda- this is by design with the loop macro but would be unexpected with let).


(def tot 0)
(loop (idx) (3) (do
    (set! tot (+ tot 1))
    (if (> idx 1) (recur (- idx 1)))))
(test::assert-equal 3 tot)
(set! tot 0)
((fn (idx) (do
    (set! tot (+ tot 1))
    (if (> idx 1) (recur (- idx 1)))))5)
(test::assert-equal 5 tot)


Usage: (set! symbol expression) -> expression

Sets an existing expression in the current scope(s). Return the expression that was set. Symbol is not evaluated.

Set will set the first binding it finds starting in the current scope and then trying enclosing scopes until exhausted.


(def test-do-one nil)
(def test-do-two nil)
(def test-do-three (do (set! test-do-one "One")(set! test-do-two "Two")"Three"))
(test::assert-equal "One" test-do-one)
(test::assert-equal "Two" test-do-two)
(test::assert-equal "Three" test-do-three)
(let (test-do-one nil)
    ; set the currently scoped value.
    (test::assert-equal "1111" (set! test-do-one "1111"))
    (test::assert-equal "1111" test-do-one))
; Original outer scope not changed.
(test::assert-equal "One" test-do-one)


Usage: (substitute lst old-item new-item mods)

Replaces all instances of old-item in copy of lst with new-item. If last argument passed in is keyword :first only the first instance of old-item will be replaced.


(let (lst (list 1 2 3 4 3)
      olst (list 1 2 3 4 3)
       lst2 (list 1 2 3 3 3 4 5)
      olst2 (list 1 2 3 3 3 4 5))
     (test::assert-equal (list 1 2 10 4 10) (substitute lst 3 10))
     (test::assert-equal (list 1 2 10 4 3) (substitute lst 3 10 :first))
     (test::assert-equal olst lst)
     (test::assert-equal (list 1 2 4 4 4 4 5) (substitute lst2 3 4))
     (test::assert-equal (list 1 2 4 3 3 4 5) (substitute lst2 3 4 :first))
     (test::assert-equal olst2 lst2))


Usage: (to-list any)

Turns any one value into a list. If that value or if it was a sequence a new sequence with the same values.

No Examples


Usage: (to-list any)

Turns any one value into a vector. If that value or if it was a sequence a new sequence with the same values.

No Examples


Usage: (usage 'symbol)

Provides usage information derived from the bytecode. Documentation can also have it's own usage string provided in the doc string but this function returns what the actual function's compiled code provides.

No Examples


Usage: (with-ns SYMBOL sexp+)

Create a namespace and compile sexp+ within it. Restore the previous namespace when scope ends. THe symbol "::" will return to the "root" namespace (i.e. no namespace prepended to globals). This will cause all globals defined to have namespace:: prepended. This will also clear any existing imports.


(with-ns test-with-ns
    (def ttf (fn () '(1 2 3)))
    (test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (ttf))
    (test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (test-out::ttf)))
(test::assert-equal '(1 2 3) (test-out::ttf))