
{{ #include section-docs/hashmap.md }}

List of symbols:

hash-keys, hash-remove!, make-hash


Usage: (hash-keys hashmap)

Returns a vector of all the hashmaps keys. The keys will be unordered.


(def tst-hash {:key1  "val one" 'key2 "val two" "key3" "val three" \S "val S"})
(test::assert-equal 4 (len (hash-keys tst-hash)))
(test::assert-true (in? (hash-keys tst-hash) :key1) " Test :key1")
(test::assert-true (in? (hash-keys tst-hash) 'key2) " Test key2")
(test::assert-true (in? (hash-keys tst-hash) \S) " Test S")
(test::assert-true (in? (hash-keys tst-hash) "key3") " Test key3")
(test::assert-false (in? (hash-keys tst-hash) :key4))


Usage: (hash-remove! hashmap key)

Remove a key from a hashmap. This is a destructive form!


(def tst-hash {:key1  "val one" 'key2 "val two" "key3" "val three" \S "val S"})
(test::assert-equal 4 (len (hash-keys tst-hash)))
(test::assert-equal "val one" tst-hash.:key1)
(test::assert-equal "val two" (get tst-hash 'key2))
(test::assert-equal "val three" (get tst-hash "key3"))
(test::assert-equal "val S" (get tst-hash \S))
(hash-remove! tst-hash 'key2)
(test::assert-equal 3 (len (hash-keys tst-hash)))
(test::assert-equal "val one" tst-hash.:key1)
(test::assert-equal "val three" (get tst-hash "key3"))
(test::assert-equal "val S" (get tst-hash \S))
(hash-remove! tst-hash :key1)
(test::assert-equal 2 (len (hash-keys tst-hash)))
(test::assert-equal "val three" (get tst-hash "key3"))
(test::assert-equal "val S" (get tst-hash \S))
(hash-remove! tst-hash "key3")
(test::assert-equal 1 (len (hash-keys tst-hash)))
(test::assert-equal "val S" (get tst-hash \S))
(hash-remove! tst-hash \S)
(test::assert-equal 0 (len (hash-keys tst-hash)))


Usage: (make-hash associations?)

Make a new hash map.

If associations is provided (makes an empty map if not) then it is a list of pairs (key . value) that populate the initial map. Neither key nor value in the associations will be evaluated.

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