List of symbols:
Usage: (probool), (probool numerator denominator)
PRObability of a BOOLean.
If no arguments are given, returns #t 1/2 of the time, otherwise takes two integers, numerator and denominator, and returns #t numerator/denominator of the time. Throws an error if denominator is 0. If (>= (/ numerator denominator) 1) probool always returns true. If numerator is 0 probool always returns false.
(def val0 (probool))
(test::assert-true (or (= #t val0) (= nil val0)))
(def val1 (probool 17 42))
(test::assert-true (or (= #t val1) (= nil val1)))
(test::assert-true (probool 1 1))
(test::assert-false (probool 0 42))
(test::assert-error-msg (probool 0 0) :rand "Denominator can not be zero")
(test::assert-error-msg (probool 0 0 0) :rand "Expected zero or two positive ints")
Usage: (random), (random limit)
Returns non-negative number less than limit and of the same type as limit.
(def rand-int (random 100))
(test::assert-true (and (>= rand-int 0) (< rand-int 100)))
(def rand-float (random 1.0))
(test::assert-true (and (>= rand-float 0.0) (< rand-float 1.0)))
(test::assert-error-msg (random -1) :rand "Expected positive number")
(test::assert-error-msg (random 1 2) :rand "Expected positive number, float or int")
Usage: (random-str str-length [char-set])
Takes a positive integer, str-length, and one of :hex, :ascii, :alnum, or a string. Returns random string of provided str-length composed of second argument, :hex results in random hex string, :ascii results in random string of all printable ascii characters, :alnum results in random string of all alphanumeric characters, and providing a string results in a random string composed by sampling input.
(test::assert-error-msg (random-str) :rand "Expected two arguments, length and charset")
(test::assert-error-msg (random-str 10) :rand "Expected two arguments, length and charset")
(test::assert-error-msg (random-str -1 :hex) :rand "Expected positive length")
(test::assert-error-msg (random-str 10 1) :rand "Second argument must be keyword or string")
(test::assert-error-msg (random-str 1 :hexy) :rand "Unknown symbol :hexy")
(test::assert-equal 10 (len (random-str 10 :hex)))
(test::assert-true (str-contains (random-str 42 "⚙") "⚙"))
(test::assert-equal 19 (len (random-str 19 :ascii)))
(test::assert-equal 91 (len (random-str 91 :alnum)))