Crate elasticlunr

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A partial port of elasticlunr to Rust. Intended to be used for generating compatible search indices.

Access to all index-generating functionality is provided. Most users will only need to use the Index or IndexBuilder types.

The Language trait can be used to implement a custom language.


use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use elasticlunr::Index;

let mut index = Index::new(&["title", "body"]);
index.add_doc("1", &["This is a title", "This is body text!"]);
// Add more docs...
let mut file = File::create("out.json").unwrap();



  • These types are not used for generating Indexes. They are provided to help with creating compatible JSON structures for configuring the JavaScript search function.
  • Implements an elasticlunr.js document store. Most users do not need to use this module directly.
  • Implements an elasticlunr.js inverted index. Most users do not need to use this module directly.
  • Intended to be compatible with Each supported language has a trimmer, a stop word filter, and a stemmer. Most users will not need to use these modules directly.
  • Defines the pipeline which processes text for inclusion in the index. Most users do not need to use this module directly.


  • An elasticlunr search index.
  • A builder for an Index with custom parameters.
