Expand description
This crate provides efficient Modular arithmetic operations for various integer types,
including primitive integers and num-bigint
. The latter option is enabled optionally.
To achieve fast modular arithmetics, convert integers to any ModularInteger implementation
use static new()
or associated ModularInteger::convert() functions. Some builtin implementations
of ModularInteger includes MontgomeryInt and FixedMersenneInt.
Example code:
use num_modular::{ModularCoreOps, ModularInteger, MontgomeryInt};
// directly using methods in ModularCoreOps
let (x, y, m) = (12u8, 13u8, 5u8);
assert_eq!(x.mulm(y, &m), x * y % m);
// convert integers into ModularInteger
let mx = MontgomeryInt::new(x, &m);
let my = mx.convert(y); // faster than static MontgomeryInt::new(y, m)
assert_eq!((mx * my).residue(), x * y % m);
§Comparison of fast division / modular arithmetics
Several fast division / modulo tricks are provided in these crate, the difference of them are listed below:
- PreModInv: pre-compute modular inverse of the divisor, only applicable to exact division
- Barret (to be implemented): pre-compute (rational approximation of) the reciprocal of the divisor, applicable to fast division and modulo
- Montgomery: Convert the dividend into a special form by shifting and pre-compute a modular inverse, only applicable to fast modulo, but faster than Barret reduction
- FixedMersenne: Specialization of modulo in form
under 2^127.
- A modular reducer for (pseudo) Mersenne numbers
2^P - K
as modulus. It supportsP
up to 127 andK < 2^(P-1)
- A modular reducer based on Montgomery form, only supports odd modulus.
- Divide a DoubleWord by a prearranged divisor.
- Divide a 3-Word by a prearranged DoubleWord divisor.
- Pre-computing the modular inverse for fast divisibility check.
- Divide a Word by a prearranged divisor.
- A wrapper of Normalized2by1Divisor that can be used as a Reducer
- A wrapper of Normalized3by2Divisor that can be used as a Reducer
- An integer in a modulo ring
- A plain reducer that just use normal Rem operators. It will keep the integer in range [0, modulus) after each operation.
- Utility function for exact division, with precomputed helper values
- Provides a utility function to convert signed integers into unsigned modular form
- Core modular arithmetic operations.
- Represents an number defined in a modulo ring ℤ/nℤ
- Collection of common modular arithmetic operations
- Modular power functions
- Collection of operations similar to ModularOps, but takes operands with references
- Math symbols related to modular arithmetics
- Core unary modular arithmetics
- A modular reducer that can ensure that the operations on integers are all performed in a modular ring.
Type Aliases§
- An integer in modulo ring with a fixed (pseudo) Mersenne number as modulus
- An integer in modulo ring based on Montgomery form
- An integer in modulo ring based on conventional Rem operations
- Alias of the builtin integer type with max width (currently u128)