
The reader should work more or less as expected for a lisp reader.


String are surrounded by “” and can be multiline. Stings support the following escape sequences:

  • \n: newline
  • \r: carriage return
  • \t: tab
  • \: backslash
  • \xnn: A two digit hex up to 7F, becomes the 7 bit ascii code provided (which is utf8 compatible)
  • \u{nnnn} or \unnnn: Second form must be followed by whitespace, embed a unicode scalar with the value (in hex) of nnnn up to 4 bytes

String Literals

String literals are started with #”% and end with %”. The % can be any char and must match on both ends. Anything between the opening #”% and %” will be part of the resulting string (nothing is escaped or expanded).

Regex Literals

Regex literals are started with #/ and end with /”. Anything between the opening #/ and / will be part of the regex string (nothing is escaped or expanded). Supports \/ for using a / in regexes, e.g. #/\d{1}\// to match any number followed by a forward slash.


Chars are read using #\x format (for instance ‘S’ would be #\S). Char supports the following special cases:

  • #\space: space character
  • #\tab: tab character
  • #\newline: newline
  • #\linefeed: linefeed
  • #\return: carriage return
  • #\backspace: backspace
  • #\xnn: the 7 bit ascii code (up to 7F) as two hex digits
  • #\u{nnnn} or \unnnn: the unicode scalar with the value (in hex) of nnnn up to 4 bytes

Reader macros

Are supported- add details.


Use the #() syntax to create a vector instead of a list (in sl-sh vectors can be evaluated like lists).


Comment to end of line with the ; character.

Block comment with #|…|# these can be multiline and can be embedded.

Comment out (read and throwaway) s-expression with #;. If the sexp after #; is not readable then it will raise an error. Will call reader macros in order to read the sexp.

Builtin macros under the # key

  • #| start block comment
  • #\ character
  • #< unreadable, this will error out- used to print things that can not be read back in
  • #( read a vector instead of a list (terminates with ‘)’)
  • #t true
  • #f false
  • #. evaluates the next form and replaces itself with that evaluation
  • #; read and discard the next sexp (will be an error if the sexp can not be read)
  • #”_ read a string literal (see above)